Green Witch Envy

Green Witch Envy

If you like your mysteries with humor, magic, and a little romance, you'll love Green Witch Envy. Get this coz
Genres: Cozy Mystery
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Teenage witch, Jade Green, is helping with a local production of The Wizard of Oz. When a heavy spotlight falls on Dorothy, killing her instantly, Jade suspects foul play. The cops think it was an accident.
The play must go on and soon Jade is given the part of the Wicked Witch. Then, there are more accidents and mishaps. Is someone out to get her or is the play cursed? With more suspects than she can shake a broom at, Jade and her cousin Scarlett use their magic to sort through the clues but time is running out. Can Jade and her friends catch the murderer before someone else gets killed?
If you like your mysteries with humor, magic, and a little romance, you'll love Green Witch Envy. Get this cozy story for all ages today!

Release date: April 16, 2024

Publisher: Cherry Northcutt

Print pages: 287

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Behind the book

Writing this book was so much fun and I did a lot of research about the movie and the books. There are lots of fun facts, many of which made it into my book. 
I love my Green Witch characters and I hope you do too. 

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