As the Sparrow Flies: Sojourners' Saga Book I

As the Sparrow Flies: Sojourners' Saga Book I

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From Chad Corrie, author of The Wizard King Trilogy, The Shadow Regent and Sons of Ashgard: Ill Met in Elmgard, comes a new YA dystopian fantasy . . .

Annulis is a dying world. Nothing can stop the doom all say is coming. Some simply accept it, embracing the end. Others hold to a better future—a way of escape from the dark days ahead.

Sarah and her people sojourn the land, searching for a city none have seen but believe exists as an escape from these troubling times. Elliott follows an army with a mandate calling for the purging of all that would hinder a glorious global rebirth.

Both are nearing an ancient city set on its own destruction. Both will be tried behind its walls in ways unimaginable. And both will have to live with the consequences . . .

Sword and flame. Hope and faith. All must follow their own path to the end . . . as the sparrow flies.

“A profound and exciting book full of mystery and characters that leap off the pages and pull you into their adventures.”—New York Times Bestselling Author of Hell Divers, Nicholas Sansbury Smith

Release date: May 14, 2024

Publisher: Dark Horse Books

Print pages: 288

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